Hellooooooooooo! I've really missed you, yes you... please forgive my long time break😔🤦. Special shout-out to Oiza, Emmanuel, Tamilore for the extra push to get this piece out on my blog guys are the real g's. Yeah...let's dive in God works according to patterns and principles: seasons are part of the pattern and there is purpose for each one. A season’s length is most time determined by how long it takes to complete its purpose. (Ecce 3:1, 11) source: TIM.D A flower is beautiful in full bloom but before it reaches that point, it has to go through series of changes. First, it is an insignificant seed, then it germinates, then the roots grow; and a seedling pushes through the soil. So also, there are seasons of change God takes us through in order to develop and bring us into His full plan. -David spent a season in the wilderness; it developed him to be the King of Isreal -Jesus spent a season in the wilderness; it launched him into the fulfilment of His ministry ...