Hello Beloved, I deeply apologize for the long time silence here.Though, you have not heard from me all this while, sincerely, YOU have always remained in my heart💝. Also, Happy new 2019, the greater grace of God will manifest in every areas of your life. Amen. I have had the urge to write on this topic few months back but was reinforced in me today, I know this will greatly bless you. "...love me more...", a phrase coined out from John 21:15, "when they had finished eating, Jesus turned to Simon Peter and said: Simon, son of John, do you love me more than these?" (NIV) Ouch!What a question!! my heart felt cold 😥as I ruminate on this. Do you love me more than these? Many times, we get so much carried away by our quest for 'successes' and allow this distract us from Kingdom interests. No wonder the parable of the sower illustrated how some would accept the word of the kingdom and make initial progress but later, "the anxiety, cares of this world and th...