Hello Beloved,

I deeply apologize for the long time silence here.Though, you have not heard from me all this while, sincerely, YOU have always remained in my heart💝. Also, Happy new 2019, the greater grace of God will manifest in every areas of your life. Amen.
I have had the urge to write on this topic few months back but was reinforced in me today, I know this will greatly bless you.

"...love me more...", a phrase coined out from John 21:15, "when they had finished eating, Jesus turned to Simon Peter and said: Simon, son of John, do you love me more than these?" (NIV)

Ouch!What a question!! my heart felt cold 😥as I ruminate on this.
Do you love me more than these?
Many times, we get so much carried away by our quest for 'successes' and allow this distract us from Kingdom interests. No wonder the parable of the sower illustrated how some would accept the word of the kingdom and make initial progress but later, "the anxiety, cares of this world and the deceptive power of riches" choke the word out of them.
This tells us that if we are not careful, the everyday concerns of life could entice our heart and slow us down spiritually. Hence, Jesus warns " take heed to yourselves, lest at anytime your hearts become overwhelm with overeating, drunkenness, and cares of this life..."(Luke 21:34)
We must continually examine and ask ourselves this sincere question,           " Where does my true affection lie? What gives me so much joy? Secular or kingdom matters? Do I love my career, job,academics,family more than I love Christ? " I can be quick to chorus or sing it loud and clear that I love Christ but then😞, I remembered the times I rushed out of God's presence all because I wanted to keep an appointment with man, the times I skipped my devotion all because I was in a haste to attend lectures, the so much time I spend flexing,all in the name of fun but hardly challenged myself to study more of God's Word, the hours I spend on social media and entertainment, my so much enthusiasm about the latest fashion, getting an high class job, acquiring wealth and all types of latest cars/houses but rarely do I think on how the kingdom of God can be established more on earth and in the heart of men. Then, I knew though I professed it, my actions disapprove my love for Christ.

Work,good grades,high class profession,entertainment, recreation,wealth,high quality house/cars are all good but you must note that they are all a means to an end, once they begin to cloud and outclash your wholesome devotion for Christ, then, 'you are beginning to love THESE more than Him'.
Jesus challenged Peter with that question to remind him of his affection and love for HIM and also to teach him what that love would do when it is present in a person's life.It causes us to "feed His lambs; tend His sheep, and feed His sheep" (John 21:16)
"Do you love me more than these" Jesus repeated the question three times to Peter (one for each denial). How many times does He need to ask us the same question? Unless Jesus Christ is LORD OF ALL in your life, then He is not Lord at all. He must come before everyone and everything you possess or desire to have, before your most treasured person or assets, work,position, titles, wealth,accolades, family, and even MINISTRY cause HE alone is the most important of all.

Let your choices reflect your determination to remain steadfast in the Love of Christ and let Him be the LORD over all your priorities in life.

Thanks so much for reading, kindly share with a friend and please do leave a comment.

With Much Love💖,                                                      DEBHIE.


  1. A very soul searching post. Thank you Deborah

  2. Good work Debhie,thanks for sharing... It's worth reading.

  3. God is not powerless to bless us with things but these things have capacity to consume our passion and love and eventually squeeze out our love for God from our hearts. How fragile the heart of man. Its tendencies to love "things" above Him who first loved us... Dear Lord, Oh! for an unswerving devotion, oh! for love unfeigned.... Our plea.......... thanks dear

  4. This is a very wonderful piece 🤗🤗😍😍

  5. A timely question, Do you love me more than these? This brings an avenue to reconsidered our stand and motive before the presence of God; thanks for this awesome piece Ayanfẹ...


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