Hello Fam, 

In the previous post, I made mention that recognizing Jesus had already forgiven me was the first step to my restoration. In this post, I’ll be sharing what is helping me on my journey to constant victory.

To start with, when a believer falls into sin, it is a call for that Christian to check his/her secret place and pay attention to the Holy Spirit pruning…He (Holy Spirit) want you to put that desire in check because making the same mistake another time can put in a greater trouble, probably without remedy.

Let's get the ball rolling ✌️

1.Recognizing I am by myself weak, and I need His strength. Do not at any point of your journey feel you are self-sufficient as that itself is the beginning of downfall.

2. Be unapologetic in your stance and principle as a Christian. Have your own values and stand by them. Don’t try to live a double-standard life. Stand for the truth you believe anywhere, anytime and to anybody. For example, I remember giving warning to anyone that sends me stickers/memes that promotes nudity or immorality…I knew where I was coming from (a porn addict) and I can’t afford to be bound again by what I have been freed from.

3. Set boundaries. You become what you constantly consume. If you know that what you read/see/watch/hear are not edifying to you, please do without them. You can’t feed on junks and expect your heart to be healthy. Don’t feel like a jagaban that doesn’t need to set a watch against the walls of his heart. Channel your energy to spirit filled prayers and studying of God’s word. Also praying in spirit-filled tongues helps to keep your flesh submitted to the will of God.

4. Strengthen your circle: Build your relationships with godly values and contents. It’s easier to maintain your convictions when all around you (intimate corner) fuels your burning passion for Christ. Remember, iron sharpens iron.

5. Join a believers’ group: Don’t disguise your identity as a Christian especially when you are new in an environment. Neither should you think you can survive all by yourself. Prayerfully, join a believer community. It does not only boost your faith but it keeps you in reminder that you are not alone in your journey. Sin thrives in isolation and the devil strikes when he knows you are without a support system.

6. Constantly confess in faith your identity in Christ: This is a lot because the way you can confront those dirty imaginations and mindset is by constant renewal of your mind in the word of God and by actively confessing it. ‘Sin cannot have dominion over me because I have been bought with a price so I am not a servant of sin’…that is one of my active confessions even till present. Get into scriptures… it is key to your victory.

7. Have a higher authority to whom you submit: Someone that can checkmate you…and correct you in love. Someone you can always run to without fear of condemnation. They might be disappointed in you when you flop (that is normal) but they pick you up and strive to restore you in prayers…oh GOD, I ask that you give us pastors/leaders/companions that would be just like a good shepherd to restore us to the green pastures.

I believe you can live a consistent victorious life…I am a product of His grace and mercy. 

Thanks for reading. I would love that you share some helpful tips that has helped on your journey.

Love you 🤗


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