Hello Fam,

Eku one thousand and one years😉...I've missed this space alot. Hmm! God help me in this consistency journey 🥺

I had written this piece since the end of November, just found it way out of my diary today.

It was a conversation with a friend. 

'For though the righteous man falls 7 times, he shall rise again…'

‘For there is hope for a tree, if it be cut down, that it will sprout again, and its new shoots will not fail. Its root may grow old in the ground and its stump die in the soil, yet at the scent of water, it will bud, and bring forth shoots like a plant’

I told him my point of view on those verses (an application of it, not it's literal context) and his response to me was “are you planning to fall or slip away from the way of the LORD?”. I smiled then narrated my experience with him, same experience I'll share in this post.

It happened that during my housemanship, I got entangled with a guy and some events my dad didn’t endorse followed. I felt disappointed in myself and in my walk with my Father. Several thoughts of how unworthy I was of His love and forgiveness lingered. In fact, I felt too shameful to go to Him for forgiveness. Thoughts like, ‘you can never be victorious in this struggle’ ‘no point trying to ask for forgiveness because you will still fall again’ ‘just give in anyway and have fun’. I drowned in several thoughts…a million thoughts I mean. At that point, my personal prayer and study moment were in grade 3 starvation. This continued for days until that fateful evening, I remember vividly, it was a mid-week church service; the brother in charge of driving the church bus called to pick me in the bus for service. He insisted he would wait till I’m ready even if he had to come back to pick only me.

To him, it was a pure act of kindness but to me, it was a message, clear and defined. I knew it was God calling out to me that He is ever ready to pull me out. He only needed my response to His call. I got dressed, picked my bible and off to church with the bus. That was the first step to my dominion.

I knew even if He felt so displeased of what I did, he wouldn’t still throw me away because I am His forever. None can pluck the weakest and trembling soul (me) from His hand. HE would go after me till HE restores me.

No shadow you won’t light up

Mountain you won’t climb up

Coming after me

There’s no wall you won’t kick down

Lie you won’t tear down

Coming after me

Oh, the overwhelming, never-ending reckless love of God

That’s chases me down, fights till I’m found.

That night after service, I got on my knees, confessed and rededicated my life to Him. He has been helping me till today to stay in victory. Hallelujah!

Friends, you are not too far from where His hands and arm of mercy can reach. There is still hope for you while you breathe. Don’t linger in guilt and feeling of unworthiness. Even if you fall again, get fall yet again, get up again…His strength will surely be made perfect in your weakness. He desires that you remain in constant victory. I am a testimony that he can sure make a clean slate from the mire.

Come now to Him in sincerity.

Disclaimer: This post is not by any way giving permission to go into sin deliberately, that itself is not only dishonoring to God [God forbid it that we continue in sin and grace abounds] but also tempting Him. Remember: thou shall not tempt the LORD your GOD. Neither is it a post to permit the once saved, forever saved teaching. It is a post that serves as a reminder that when we (as believers) fall into sin, we are not to remain in it; we are to get up and get back to Jesus, our advocate with the Father, who is ever ready to help us overcome and stay in victory.


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