M.O.G (Man of God) (SATURDAY) It was a breezy evening. The moon came out earlier than it should, its light casted a shadow on the face of Pastor Lekan, popularly called Pastor Lay cause of the way he lays out his sermons during ministration. His charisma alone was strong enough to attract the screams and applauds of members, not to even mention his dictions and alliterations, his humor was nothing to be compared to, in fact, he was one of the most loved youth pastor of The Cornerstone Cathedral. As soon as Pastor Lay sat on the sofa behind the dining table, he pulled the encyclopedia and his laptop closer. With one hand, he searched out different vocabularies, with the other hand, he browsed through different commentaries and articles on the internet, then wrote them into his sermon notes. “the realest M.O.G”, he laughed as he hailed himself. “Tomorrow service is gonna be lit mehn, this is how I’m going to walk on the stage tomorrow”, he gestured. “My congregation is gonna feel m...