M.O.G (Man of God)


It was a breezy evening. The moon came out earlier than it should, its light casted a shadow on the face of Pastor Lekan, popularly called Pastor Lay cause of the way he lays out his sermons during ministration. His charisma alone was strong enough to attract the screams and applauds of members, not to even mention his dictions and alliterations, his humor was nothing to be compared to, in fact, he was one of the most loved youth pastor of The Cornerstone Cathedral.

As soon as Pastor Lay sat on the sofa behind the dining table, he pulled the encyclopedia and his laptop closer. With one hand, he searched out different vocabularies, with the other hand, he browsed through different commentaries and articles on the internet, then wrote them into his sermon notes.

“the realest M.O.G”, he laughed as he hailed himself. “Tomorrow service is gonna be lit mehn, this is how I’m going to walk on the stage tomorrow”, he gestured. “My congregation is gonna feel me mehn”. He laughed then closed his sermon notes and set out to iron his Desmond Merrion supreme Bespoke suit.


Pastor Lay smiled as he mounted the stage, screams and applauds were already raging from the congregation. “Praise God church.” His sonorous voice echoed as he spoke into the microphone. “Hallelujah.” The hallelujah vibrated throughout the hall of about ten thousand capacities.

Pastor Lay cleared his throat, “yunno- - ehm - I’m always glad seeing all your faces looking radiant and you know what?  I, your pastor isn’t looking bad either- -yunno we’re fresh like that”, He winked then laughed. The congregation joined in laughter.

Pastor Lay continued, “halle- -lu- -jah…yeah- - yunno—God asked me to - - ehm- tell you today that your words ignite fire so SPEAK it…. I mean speak it out loud”. He jumped up, turned to the other side of the podium then bounced back after which he began to rant in tongues. The whole church screamed, “fire…fire…Pastor Lay the fire…ride on sir”. Another voice from the hall echoed, “lay your fire on me, Pastor Lay".

“When I was in the deep study of my Bible yesterday preparing for this sermon, Pastor Lay added, the Spirit of the deep revealed to me that the prophet of fire, Elijah, did not literally call down fire. It was revealed to me that the fire in that context was from a Greek root word, phota, meaning light. That passage of Elijah calling down fire was just an analogy to buttress Jeremiah chapter 20 verse 9b which says, your word was in my heart as a burning fireeee shut up in my bones”. 

Stamps of feet, claps of hands, snaps of fingers were heard from the congregation. Some yelled, “Rhe-maa!”, “hit me pastor!”. Others, “loud it sir!”, “รฒ deep!”, "too much Daddy!", “snatch my edges sir”.



(Usher on visitation to Bro. Teni’s  house)



Usher: ..... but Bro. Teni, I’ve been noticing you’ve been going to the 4/20 joint of recent. Or do we have any new convert from there?

Bro Teni: (laughs) my brother, the Lord has been doing some dealings in me oo

Usher: (in shock) Really? How? In the 4/20 joint

Bro Teni: calm down bro…. you see ehn, some places and stuffs are not really bad, it’s just the society that paints and occlude our sense of judgement about them.

Usher: (sounds more confused) How?

Bro Teni:  see ehn, bro, studying the passages written by Paul made me know the importance of being drunk and high in the spirit. And you know experiencing some things in its raw form gives clarity of understanding. In fact, it broadens your vision so you don’t become weary while running towards your goal.

(Usher nods in affirmation)

Bro Teni: So, I’ve been hitting the joint to get high….I need to know the feel of getting high so I can apply it to my biblical knowledge

Usher: (confused) Are you saying you’ve been literally getting high on drugs?

Bro Teni: kind of…. it’s Mary Jane not drugs per se

Usher: Ahhhh. What’s the difference brother Teni. Have you forgotten the scripture that says, “abstain from …

Bro Teni: (interrupts and mimics) “… all appearance of evil” which is written in 1Thessalonians 5:22. And I know you will quote 1 Corinthians 3: 16,17 that talks about my body being the temple of God. And you see my brother, 1 Corinthians 10:31 gives an accurate answer to that passage. So, my getting high on Mary Jane is to the glory of God the Father. Hallelujah! Getting high is not evil neither is it even an appearance of it. Wait sef, who defines what is evil or not?

Usher: (in shock) Ahhhhh… but it’s clearly written in the Bible

Bro Teni: Seeee brother, I have studied the Bible from cover to cover, times without number and I have not seen a single place the bible spoke against getting high…in fact, God gave us weeds and herbs na….if He was against it, why would he give us?  The only thing I know, is that, God is against addictive smoking but I am not addicted to it. Moreover, I have prayed and the Holy Spirit has convinced me, I feel so much peace about my decision so, end of discussion.

What are your thoughts about Pastor Lay? Was what he said about Elijah not calling down a literal fire true? But does it sound logical? What are your views about Bro Teni's belief on getting high? But he is so versed in the knowledge of the scripture, what about that? Please let's discuss in the comment box๐Ÿค—๐Ÿค—.

Stay tuned for  RHEMA (the Unfolding).It will be out before Mid-September.

I really appreciate you reading this. You mean a lot to me. I mean YOU.. Yourself...and... You. Lol๐Ÿค—

With Love๐Ÿ’–,



  1. Hmmn, you really profiled the Lay's and Teni's of the church well Debbie.

    Our Laodecian and latitudinarian spirit can only be cured by genuine Berean hunger for the truth and obedience by God's grace.

    Thanks for raising awareness on this pathetic realities.

    1. Hmmm! Very true sir. Thanks so much for reading๐Ÿค—

  2. Lovely piece ๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿ˜˜

  3. Bro Ten ehn...to the glory of God indeed. Thanks so much Debhie for this timely exposition. God bless you ma

    1. Lol๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿ˜… but all we do no matter how right or wrong so far we are saved is to the glory of God na๐Ÿคฆ๐Ÿ˜‰...abhi what do you think mami

    2. No oo, there is still a part we have to play. We (saved in Christ), though dead to sin must always still 'mortify our members'.
      We must die daily and renew our mind in Christ.

    3. Hmmm! Got that ma. God bless you ma๐Ÿ™

  4. Thanks for the awesome piece Dehbie. This is so timely as it really addresses questions on peoples mind this days about what it means to be Christ-like? I believe as Christians, we have a lot of work to do to put our actions and characters in check so we can really exemplify Christ and not just glorify ourselves.

    1. ''exemplify Christ and not just glorify ourselves"....thanks so much for those words. May God help us ๐Ÿ™. Thanks for reading ๐Ÿค—

  5. Very profound and insightful. Writeup We shouldn't use scriptures wrongly or to justify our wrongdoings. "Work out your salvation with fear and trembling "
    Phil 2:12

    Likewise, if eating 'meat' would cause your neighbour to fall... its ideal to abstain from meat.๐Ÿ‘Œ

    1. Very true sir! I love the exposition. Thanks so much for reading ๐Ÿค—๐Ÿ™


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