Hiya💃🤗 Last weekend, as I sat in one of the chairs in my room replying my WhatsApp chats, I reflected through the so many contents/trends and challenges rampaging the social media space, my heart sunk for a while. What even ignited more spark within me was the fact that believers were ‘innocently’ or should I say ‘ignorantly’ participating in the trend. It dawned on me that I was also not spared. How could that be? *Sighs* Read on. Did you know that every day, you are faced with forces that competes for your attention and loyalty? In fact, it is either you are being conformed to the world or you are standing out for Christ in the world. Conformity to the world comes in two forms: -actively pursuing to belong/fit in -or passively and slowly compromising your beliefs The first, is to be drawn to the world in all its practices and be heads over heels about it that you begin to imitate. I remember when I recently got into junior school, I wanted to experience the independence ...