‘’Laye laye, I won’t take that from you, you are very very unserious. Ohhh you think because I’m gentle abi, I would let this pass too, I will show you that you can’t mess up with me, don’t even try it ni, I’ll deal with you to the point that you will never in your life take my gentility for stupidity. Nonsense and bullshit’’ She walked out of the room boiling in anger. Few hours after the arguement, she just couldn’t get her mind of it, she kept ruminating on what her roommate did to her, ‘’I bet it, I’ll never forgive that babe…I’ll show her who I’m made of” she said to herself.

HMMMM! what a scenario! dear readers, can i shock you…she lived up to her words, that grudge was deep seated in her until she realized her heart was in chains.

We all get hurt in life at one point or the other and …we hurt other people too. In every instance of social interaction, offense and hurt is almost inevitable whether it is intentional or not.
When someone hurt you and you do not forgive them or hold grudges against them, you have chained the person in your heart, you have held them in cages and cells of your heart..it get so bad that you begin to drag them around with you (please take a moment to picture that..dragging one,two persons with you over the years..the heaviness, the weight)  no wonder they say, ‘’unforgiveness makes the heart so heavy and drains energy, joy, and peace’’. It keeps the person focused on the past..the person you are holding grudge against might have forgotten and even moved on while you are still left mirroring in the past.
Dear reader, I tell you, offenses will come, even Jesus said ‘offenses will certainly come, but woe to the one through whom they come (Luke 17:1 Christian Standard Bible).  So, when they come, what you do with them determines your future…, that is where forgiveness comes in. Most times, there is always this feeling of ‘if I let this go, they’ll take me for granted’ (I have been in this situation before infact, that short scene above was me, I was the lady in action). Listen, revenge is a trap from the devil which tends towards destroying you rather, let God be your avenger,  trust me, He knows how to pay back everyone according to their deeds.
Truly, some offenses might take time to heal but your willingness to let go is paramount to the healing process, pronounce blessings over them and mean it. It looks hard huh…I know, but I get challenged everytime I recall the life of Uncle Job, he prayed for his friends even after those friends have demoralized and hurt him with their words (Job 42:10), little wonder why God turned away his captivity and gave him double of all he ever had before…the power of forgiveness. God want us to be PEACEMAKERS not just PEACEKEEPERS. A peacekeeper only avoids confrontation to maintain peace, even at the risk of compromising the truth. A peacemaker will go in love and confront, bringing truth so that reconciliation will endure, he will not hide offense with a political smile, he desires openness, truth and love.
Forgiveness takes place when we no longer dwell on the offense. Forgiving is a type of forgetting, if you have truly forgiven someone or covered their hurt in God’s love, we will no longer brood about the hurt.
I will end with this: Scars are evidence that wounds truly heal...

I remain your lover,


  1. Thanks for this. I was blessed. I will never yield to unforgiveness

  2. Great work, may the Lord make us a true followers in Jesus name...Amen

  3. Thanks for this love
    more grace....

  4. Very insightful. God bless you.
    Forgiveness takes place when we no longer dwell on the offense.
    We receive grace to do. Amen.

  5. Beautiful write up!...I really enjoyed reading this😁

  6. Forgiveness is key as we progress in the journey of life. Thanks for this. More grace, inspiration to write more.

  7. yes oo my brother....Amen
    thanks for reading too✌

  8. Thanks so much for reading too 🤗🤗


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