She watched and listened as they raged that night, she was only seven, though her naïve mind could not comprehend why her father was always hitting her mother, she just knew it wasn’t right. “is this how every home is? What is wrong with my daddy?’’. She was still on the island of thoughts when she heard her mother scream, then ‘gbua’ she heard again, her mother was lying lifeless on the ground. That was the beginning of a new journey for her, a journey of utter hatred for men.
“I know I’m a monster, I know, it’s written all over me, even mummy calls me that every day, she said I’m the reason my father left, that I am not good for anything, at school, the same thing, my teacher said I can never know anything because my brain is too dull…I’m just a bad luck, she wallowed in tears as she soliloquized. “nobody wants to be associated with me, all I’ve tried to do had never worked well, I don’t even think there is hope for me again” she picked up the sniper container beside her and gulped down its content.
“I’ve seen him done that too”, he reasoned as he watched how the boys lighted the smoke. He was just 10 years when he started the pursuits of becoming like his uncle. He loved the way he controlled money, power and ladies in fact, his world was the world he wished for as he felt that was the ‘do’ of real men. He had peeped at him smoking and sexing different ladies in different positions, and so, couldn’t wait to have the experience himself, he had even started fondling girls from his school and neighbourhood. The next in line was to hit the 'ganja' then he’ll step up the game.

Dearest, did you know just as the way a little stone dropped into a pond spread a whole lot of ripples, your most trivial words/actions have a far-reaching effect in the life of someone else or even yourself? You might think no one is watching as it is too insignificant to be cared about, the truth is: it can bring about a difference in someone’s life- much more than you ever imagine see ehn it can destroy or make a whole generation.
As a matter of fact, studies have shown that, on average, every person has the capacity to touch nearly 80, 000 lives over the course of his lifetime.  To me, that’s a whole lot!

Most often, we underestimate our actions or our ideas (and even the words that we say) without truly thinking that they can set off a chain reaction that becomes so much bigger than ourselves. Well, we all have a choice when it comes to our actions, we can actively choose to leave a lasting, positive impact on other people whether we’ve got a big platform or not.  We can choose to reframe the way we view our lives, that is, focus on the impact of what we do, rather than just on what we do. We can choose our actions in mindfulness of our intentions. We all are catalysts for a change.

But the big question is:

What change did you want to make in the 80, 000 lives that you’ll touch in your lifetime? What will someone remember you for?
(this got me thinking 😔) Kindly share your thoughts too✌

Thanks for tuning in Fam,
Love ya plenty❤❤❤❤❤❤


  1. The truth Deborah espoused here can really be revolutionary for good. Thanks for sharing this ripple.

  2. This is really insightful
    It spoke to me greatly.

  3. This gladdens my heart.Thanks for reading 🤗


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