Few days back, I lost a close family member and it hit me hard to my bones.

Do you know why?

Aside the bills, we’ve prayed, prayed and prayed. Then, when it looked like God had answered us, it turned out to be otherwise. The incident triggered sadder and sorrowful events I had formerly experienced. It brought a mix of emotions within me. Some questioned if God truly does answers prayer while some queried my faith. Amidst those thoughts, I kept hearing “my thoughts are good but my ways are not your ways”.

“Are your ways to make us cry? Are your ways to make us go through so much adversities?” I broke down in tears.

At times, we are faced with so much troubles, pain, sorrow, fears, insecurities that they begin to slowly challenge our faith and trust in Him who knows and have the best in mind for us. We begin to question if He is indeed faithful or even exist (I’ve been there too).

This post is not to provide answers to your unanswered questions, I have a lot too (but I’ve told GOD that I’ll ask Him all when I see Him). BUT, it is to give hope and strength despite all you go through in this world.

First of all, I want you to be assured (reminded) that God knows you, knows your needs before you even ask and He always care for you (1 Peter 5:7; Jeremiah 29:11). Also, trust that His word is true always. Silence every lie from the enemy (devil) that HE(Christ) doesn’t care about you.

There are certainly many things that we will never know, or understand, on this side of life….things like, why some are healed and some aren’t…why some are spared from tragedies and others aren’t…why some things we prayed against still end up happening…We need to know that when our prayers aren’t answered, it doesn’t mean it’s because of something we did wrong or maybe a sin (though we still need to examine our lives and make things straight and right before God and man) BUT sometimes, we can be doing everything right but still...😢

Remember, when we are living righteously, we become more of a target for the enemy. We must remember that we live in a fallen world full of evil and wickedness. Though Christ promised us that He won’t let them overcome us, He didn’t say we won’t partake of the sufferings in this world (1 Peter 5:1). So, we should not believe those who misconstrue scripture and say that, if we have enough faith, we would never be sick.

We can pray, asking in faith and believing with all our heart that God can and will heal/deliver us. God may choose to do so for us and at times, He doesn’t because He has a greater plan and purpose for us… ‘what the enemy hope would be a stumbling block to our faith, God can turn around and redeem for our good and His own glory’.

Beloved, please take a minute pause. Pray for those going through hurts, or pain. Please do.

Finally, while writing this, two songs dropped in my spirit, you can sing along or just meditate on the words...


Many things about tomorrow 
I don’t seem to understand
But I know who owns tomorrow
And I know He holds my hands 


When you don’t move the mountains 
I’m needing you to move
When you don’t part the waters
I wish I could walk through
When you don’t give the answers 
as I cry out to you
I will trust, I will trust, I will trust in you.

So, dearest, keep trusting Him!! No matter what, He is intentional about you. 

Thanks for reading beloved🤗. Would love to interact with you in the comment section. Please share, someone might need it. 

Love & Light,



  1. Replies
    1. Thanks so much Anu. It's awesome having you here 🥰

  2. A lot of things we want answers to but in all the reason why God is still God is because he knows things we don’t and he plans for us even when we don’t expect. He is always a faithful God despite all circumstances or situations.

    1. Hmmmm! I love that "He plans for us even when we don't expect"👌
      Thanks so much for this Adesanmi Taiwo

  3. Like seriously. You made this post for me . I will keep trusting God even when I can't see the whole staircase

    1. Alleluia!!! I'm so glad this offered you hope and strength. God bless you more🙏.


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