Yayyy! It’s Christmas again💃💃

source: @theunidenticalduo

You know why I love Christmas especially while growing up; there is always this mushy feeling everywhere, the keresimesi odun de carols, the lights, decorations, santa clus (well sha, na father christmas i dey call am o😅), the ‘Mary and Joseph’ stage play in school and yunno what? The new gown and koko shoe was the realllll deal😜. I even coined a name, I termed Christmas, “odun kekere” and new year, “odun nla” so that I could get my complete package for both celebrations. In fact, you need to see me rampaging with my promise card😂. Oops! how can I forget my favourite, “ina olorun”. O-mooo!!! Childhood was lit o, the sweet memories it brings, makes me long for it again and again.

But sha, the little girl is still growing and believes that the years to come will bring greater and sweeter experiences. Amin.

Pretty more than all the parties, feastings, gifts, decos: this season should remind us of Christ’s birth on earth which brought about our redemption. Our story of salvation wouldn’t have been in existence if Christ, our Saviour was not born. In all human history, there has never been nor will ever be, a greater gift given to mankind than has already been given: The One and Only Son of God conceived by the Holy Ghost through a virgin, a mystery that shows the magnificence of God. 

He came, to walk among us in flesh, to show the way; so to die, to pay our debt that we may live our life on earth in total freedom from fear, sin and satan and have hope of being with Him forever in heaven.

Reading the verse Isaiah 9:6, the names of the son that was given to us encompasses all trajectory of our lives. How? Let me show you

He is called “Wonderful, Counselor”- which shows that Jesus is the supernatural source of extraordinary wisdom and counsel. 

He is called “The Mighty God”- Jesus is divinely strong and powerful, the ALMIGHTY.

He is called “The Everlasting Father”- Jesus cares for all his people forever, as a father cares for his children. He is eternally loving.

He is called “The Prince of Peace”- Jesus restores peace in our relationship with the Father, and reconciles us to Him. He gives us peace beyond all human understanding. He is our Shalome.

And of course, in every phase of our lives, we need guidance, protection, provision, care, love, strength, hope in despair, peace and even more. All these are in Him and by Him.

Jesus is the answer for the world today

Above Him, there is no other

Jesus is the Way.. the Truth… and the LIFE

This Christmas, I pray that the person of Jesus become more real and evident to us than ever before. We do not lose focus but we look unto Him always, the author and finisher of our faith. Wonderful Counselor, The Mighty God, Our Everlasting Father, Our Prince of Peace, Jesus, Our LORD, let the power of your name reign and rule over our lives forever. Amen.

I've really missed writing to you, this internship stress mehn😢 but really, I hope to drop another before the close of 2020. So help me God☺️.

Merry Christmas ❤️💖

Love you,



  1. Thanks Deborah. It's a day to remember that our Saviour-King is coming.

    1. Very true sir👌. May God keep us mindful of that always. Thanks so much for reading 🤗

  2. Thanks Debhie, Merry Christmas to you


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