"For years, I lived with memories of abuse and rape. At age 12, I was launched into the world of sex by my so called "uncle".I was left in the care of this monstrous being since my parents died from an accident. He would molest and sexually abuse me threatening that he would not fend for me if he can't have me.There was no one I could open up to, not really because there was no one but I felt no one will understand me so I endured the pain, and hurt as a child. I became a resilient girl behind the smiling mask, I kept the secret and did what was expected of me to survive the world that treats survivors as perpetrators. I was a chameleon to survive and live again. I hid the past abuse I suffered from my uncle and learned to smile to say I'm okay but within me is so much pain and disgust that I could neither forgive myself nor my uncle".

This is the story of a lady I read about few weeks ago.

What prompted this writing was the increasing rate of young people i see dying in silence as a result of past abuse and molestation, some even end up becoming rapists as a means of payback to the society. I've been opportuned to converse with some teenagers and I realized that one in every five of them have secrets that haunts them. This is so saddening as most of them even become incredible actors. They put on a mask, that on the outside, they might be smiling but within, they are deeply scarred and torn in pain.

Victims of abuse often struggle with overwhelming feelings of worthlessness and inadequacy. They feel scared to reach out to the God of Love who they believe couldn't possibly forgive such awful things. They often feel that they are not worth forgiving anyway. Feeling like nothing but Filth, they assume God sees them the same way. But of course, He doesn't; He sees these innocent beings as awesome humans with a future and hope that He can restore and use in ways they could never imagine. These beautiful, God- created individuals, who have been tarnished by other people's sin, need to know that they are valued beyond measure by the GOD OF THE UNIVERSE- a Loving Father who forever cares about them and has sent His Son, Jesus to save them.
He sees these innocent beings as awesome humans with a future and a hope that He can restore and use in ways they could never imagine.
Some victims of sexual abuse feel that since they've lost their virginity, there is no reason for them to keep themselves and stay pure but one very important thing to remember is that their virginity can only be given away by them; it cannot be taken from them! A person who was sexually abused has not given anything away voluntarily, it was taken from them unwillingly so, in God's eyes, they are still pure!(very key)
Their Virginity can only be given away by them; it cannot be taken from them.
Maybe you are one of those hiding behind the mask as a result of past abuse, or you are confused about what to do, you need to know first of all that it was not your fault so, stop blaming yourself. You couldn't control what happened... You couldn't stop couldn't change it...It already happened...But you can ACT now!

Open up to someone you trust.You don't have to feel guilty telling someone about what happened. Don't ever feel no one will listen to you or understand your feelings. Someone is willing to help you!

Receive The Father's Love.God loves you, He created you so you are not an accident. He did not want you to go through all those, people have a choice but your abuser made the wrong one.This really hurts God and made Him unhappy.But know that there is no wound God cannot heal, He can heal your past.Talk to Him now and He will help you!

Forgive your abusers. This is NOT to let your abusers get away with what they did but it is taking the abuser off your hook and placing them on God's hook. God is very Just , He knows how to punish the abusers so, Forgive them, It is your Healing!

There is Life after Abuse. The renowned preacher, Joyce Meyer was abused by her own father more than 100 times as a child, she suffered so much emotional trauma but she rose beyond the abuse, she did not continue to hide behind the mask, she came out of it, and with help of Jesus Christ and continued relationship with Him, she got healed. You too can!!

Thanks fam for reading, kindly share and please do leave a comment. 

With much Love,                                              Debhie.


  1. Very profound. God's love is overwhelming

  2. So true
    Thanks so much Sir Ayokunle

  3. So true
    Thanks so much Sir Ayokunle

  4. Nice 1...learn to embrace the love of d father.

  5. God bless you for this exposé, so many people needs to know this.

  6. Thanks so much for reading @ Anu,@unkunown, @dena
    Let's tell as many as we meet about the Love of Christ that transforms.


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