''...passing along the street near the corner, he took the path to her house in the twilight, in the evening, in the black and dark night, and there a woman met him, with the attire of a harlot and crafty heart... She caught him and kissed him...I came out to meet you,diligently to seek your face and I found you, I have spread my bed with tapestry,coloured linen of Egypt. I have perfumed my bed with myrrh,aloes and cinnamon. Come, let us take our love unto morning, let us solace ourselves with love...with her enticing speech, she caused him to yield, with her flattering lips, she seduced him. Immediately, he went after her as an ox goeth to the slaughter...''( Proverbs 7:8-13,15-18,21,22)

This is the story of the young man and woman whom Solomon peered at through his window that night (Proverb 7:6) Likewise, God looks down through heaven's window upon the son of men and behold He sees a world totally obsessed with immorality and sexual gratification. 
One can see the marks of this craze almost everywhere, the society gratifies nudity,the advertising community exploits the woman's body for sales, music videos and movies cannot thrive without having nude scenes in it, magazines display so many obscene pictures, even the church which is supposed to be "the saving place" becomes "parish of seduction".

Hmmmm, read on as I dive more into the topic.
Fornication means unlawful sexual intercourse which could be premarital, extramarital or even homosexual etc. It is a consensual sexual relations between two people not married to each other.
It should  be understood that lawful sexual relations are only honorable between a man and a woman who are lawfully married, any other scenario is sinful and immoral as the Bible clearly states " MARRIAGE IS HONOURABLE IN ALL AND THE BED UNDEFILED; BUT FORNICATORS AND ADULTERERS GOD WILL JUDGE" (Hebrew 13:4)

People who are unmarried and yet practice sex or its relations are in a state of rebellion against God's Word as seen in 1 Corinthians 6:16-18.

Though we live in a sex-crazed morally degraded world, the Word of God never change and it says, "now the body is not for sexual immorality but for the Lord..."(1 Corinthians 6:13b). The path of immorality is a danger zone that you need to stay away from because it enslaves the heart,thwart destines, wreck lives and families, shatter great futures,and leaves the church in shambles, that even the younger generations may not be eluded from the muck of such scenes. The wise man was correct when he said, " for by means of harlotry, a man is reduced to a crust of bread...can a man take fire to his bosom and his clothes not be burned? Can one walk on hot coals and his fret not seared?"(Proverbs 6:26-29a)

Dear Reader, don't say 'I am so spiritual, I can't fall'. Please ask Mr. David Jesse, a man after God's own heart, a man of faith, and one who valiantly and victoriously overcame the enemies of God, he could not overcome the power of kindled fire of 'little immorality', this led him into more grevious transgression. Though he repented and was forgiven but the rest of his days after the 'act' were not the same. 
Don't be deceived dear, Fornication(sexual immorality or any other name you may call it)  is far more dangerous than you think, it damns the soul if not repented of.(Galatians 5:19-21)

What then can be done to avoid treading this tragedic pathway of doom?
First, Pray and receive Jesus Christ into your heart, retrace your step back to Him if you've gone astray from Him, ask Him to cleanse your past filthiness and He'll grant you the grace to walk in the newness of life.

Second, set a watch over your heart. Solomon wrote " keep(watchover) your heart with all diligence, for out of it are the issues of life". Train your heart in purity and this is only possible when you meditate and fill your heart with pure things, " ...whatsoever things are pure...if there be any virtue and if there be any praise,think on these things''(Philippians 4:8)

Third, Live Soberly, Godly and Righteously in this present age and time( Titus 2:11,12). Don't just profess it but be a practitioner of godliness.Let your principle be "will Jesus Christ say this, do this, listen to this, wear this,or go there if He was still on earth".

Finally, Flee fornication (1Corinthians 6:18).If you find yourself in situations like that of Joseph in Genesis 39, never try to reason out  with the seducer or linger around, just flee! Run as fast as you can for your life! Don't wait there saying you are Kabashing the spirit. Please heed the warning and escape from the DANGER ZONE.

Thanks so much fam for reading. Kindly share this post with a friend and please do leave a comment.

With much Love,


  1. Thanks so much Daddy,really appreciate Sir

  2. Thank you very much. The message was clear and concise. I pray you more revelation.

  3. Waoooooo! Well said ma.
    More GRACE

  4. Amen dear
    Thanks so much for reading.

  5. Enter your comment...wao.this really blessed me. more grace in Jesus name


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