It was really a cold night that i quickly lay on my bed to have some sleep but suprisingly, sleep was nowhere to be found, my mind just kept wandering  from one event to the other recalling memories from my secondary school days. The most thrilling was the letter to my so-called "first love". As I remembered the lines of the letter, which reads:
Do you love me?
Can you love me?
Can you give me your heart?

With mixed emotions, I thought about  how naive I was then, how prone I was to falling into the danger zone just because I felt I was in love. The shocker was despite the fact we claimed to love each other, our relationship lacked the most essential, LOVE, yeah, LOVE was absent in our love.
Weird right? (smiles)

Love!Love!!Love!!! has been described as the greatest need of humans. From Cradle to the Grave, people strive after love, thrive in its warmth and even die from lack of it. There has been an endless succession of books ,write-ups and poems about it. Of course, people talk a lot about love even as I am doing now😀, people fall in love, rise in love. Infact, love is very powerful and overwhelming. Psychologists say: " the higher emotions such as love, joy, sorrow cannot be willed but suddenly well up in a person and pervade his whole being". Also the Bible says: many waters cannot quench love, neither can the floods drown it; if a man would give all the substance of his house for love, it would utterly be contemned (SOS 8:7).

I titled this post "MY FIRST LOVE" because of the understanding i got from the phrase. On a norm, when anyone say my first love, what comes to mind immediately is " ohhh, the person I first fell in love with, my first crush just as I shared above BUT more than that; my first love is the first person in my priority, the most important person to me. In addition, my first love is the person who loved me before I ever love him,who loved me at my worst,who loved me despite my weaknesses,  imperfections, shortcomings.   
I am GOD'S first love, He is my first love, He is the one that loved me first and He is the one who loves me most; He has me as His top-most priority. He called me His Beloved, the apple of His eye (the most loved and cherished), He loved me when I never even deserved His love.

In the world, Love is a relationship between a man and a woman. Of course relationship is not wrong in fact, it was ordained by God (check Genesis 2:18) but Christianity teaches Love as a relationship between Man-GOD-Woman, that is, God is at the center and directs them both. Remember, the relationship between Adam-God-Eve was in perfect harmony, and there was beauty and balance in the intersections of their love but this was halted when Adam and Eve lost it that God must always be at the centre of their desire,love and will.

GOD is very important in your love life because He is LOVE personified, if God is not at the center of your relationship, then I'm sorry to say, the foundation of that relationship is faulty and will never get far, no wonder they have this common saying, "there is no true love anywhere, so just play along in any relationship, get what you want and walk away". A man/woman that has not receive or experience God's love can definitely not Love as God commands (you cannot give what you do not have), he/she cannot love you truly. Even if you are in a relationship with God at the center now, there is also a greater need to constantly keep God at the centre and focus. Do not allow or do anything that would displease or Kick God out of your relationship or marriage. Let His Standard remain your standard, do not modify His Standard to suit yours rather, modify yours to suit His'.

My beloved, whether you are still single, in a relationship, or married, be mindful not to oexalt your relationship with anybody above your Relationship with GOD, Abide in Him and Let Him write your LOVE STORY,in Him is a Happy Ending.                                            Man+ GOD+ Woman= UNITED LOVE( a threefold cord that cannot be quickly broken).

Thanks so much for reading, kindly share with a friend and please do leave a comment.

With Much Love💞💞                                               DEBHIE.


  1. This is just amazing and I am blessed!

    1. Awwwn
      Bless God for that
      Thanks so much for reading dear

  2. God bless you for such a wonderful post. More inspiration dear. And I pray for grace for us to always put God first and at the center of everything in our lives.

    1. Amen and Amen
      Also that God grants us the grace to love our neighbors as He commands
      Thanks a lot bro✌💖

  3. Wonderful piece..... Debbie 👏👍

  4. Nice one Debbie. It gives the carnal mind a huge disappointment and edifies the spiritual man/woman. More grace and inspiration to write creatively

    1. Amen and Amen
      Thanks so much ma for this
      Greatly appreciate

  5. This is so beautiful😍😍😍...I loved every bit of it.Keep up the good work💪💪💪

  6. This is just intriguing and eye opening.
    "Despise not the days of thy little beginnings". You're going to places dear. ✊💕

  7. Brilliant piece Timi 😍 reminds me once again, that there's someone that loved me when I didn't, and still loves me, whom I Love Now, and will keep me by the power of his love, the same goes for us all.
    Really beautiful, inspiring and soul lifting. Thank you, God bless you.

  8. I am blessed with this write-up. Thanks so much n more inspiration from above.

  9. Replies
    1. Unprecedented idea on "My first love"


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